Expériences à vivre

As it does every summer, the 19, Crac is offering you the chance to experience the exhibitions in a different way through participative experiments. Artistic encounters, plastic experiments… these Experiences to live are open to everyone and accompanied by an artist or a mediator.
→ Art workshops at 19, Crac on Wednesdays 17 and 24 July and 21 August.

  • With the artists: Maeva Totolehibe, Phuong Thao Nguyen and Marcia Mascia and the 19, Crac team.
  • Free workshops by prior arrangement on 03 81 94 13 47 or mediation@le19crac.com.

Collaborative workshops

The Assemble collective sees the art centre as a place for production, design and exchange.
Come and meet them all summer long at their collaborative workshops.

— Free, booking required on 03 81 94 13 47 or mediation@le19crac.com

Guided tours of the exhibitions

Groups of friends, associations, works councils, the 19 offers tailor-made guided tours. A unique opportunity to discover contemporary art and one of the region’s industrial heritage sites.

— Free, booking required on 03 81 94 13 47 or mediation@le19crac.com

L’école d’été#2 - A professional meeting

Practices of sabotage Assemble, atelier paysan, Mathilde Chénin & Pierre Lamard

L’École d’été, a series of meetings for artists and art professionals, explores the practice of sabotage and questions its potential to transform our institutions. In keeping with the exhibition Blood in the Machine by the Assemble collective, on show at the art centre, the Summer School will be looking at practices of “common use” with Mathilde Chénin, artist-researcher; the history of tools in the Montbéliard conurbation with Pierre Lamard, historian; and putting technological hacking practices into practice with a workshop run by Assemble in conjunction with the Atelier Paysan. From understanding the history of local production methods to investigating the bioregion and reflecting on collective intelligence, the Summer School aims to share the region’s resources and look to the future.

— 18th July from 11am to 4pm: Mathilde Chénin, Le Commun par l’Usage, an introduction & Assemble with the Payson workshop
— 19th July from 10am to 12pm: A walk between Montbéliard and Exincourt with Pierre Lamard

*As part of the “Art and Territories” research programme organised by the Seize Mille network, which will take place after these two days in the Montbéliard urban area, bearing the stamp of the French Capital of Culture 2024.

— Free of charge, booking required on 03 81 94 13 47 or direction@le19crac.com