Léa Bouttier - Artistes plasticiens au lycée
*February - May 2024
In 2024, artist Léa Bouttier will be taking part in the “Visual artists in secondary schools” residency with students in the second year of secondary school at the Lycée Cuvier in Montbéliard, and students in the final year of secondary school at the Lycée Armand Peugeot in Valentigney, taking the Humanities, Literature and Philosophy option.
Léa Bouttier works in sculpture, video and performance. The forms she produces stem from the study of how we look at clues and how, from these, narratives emerge. Her interest in fragments, traces and their interpretation has led her to explore these issues. What makes a sign? How are these elements linked? The question of narrative arose naturally. So her forms can be understood as a series of trails and fictions to be woven. Without being narrative, they offer possibilities.