Ségolène Thuillart - Les couleurs de l'agglo
Mémoire vive {Living Memory} is a project run by the 19, Centre régional d’art contemporain de Montbéliard in partnership with the Musées de Montbéliard and funded by the Pays de Montbéliard conurbation’s “Les couleurs de l’agglo” scheme.
As part of her “Mémoire vive” project, artist Ségolène Thuillart is creating sound and embroidered portraits of the Montbéliard region. This participatory and collaborative project will create links between heritage and contemporary art; involve residents from very different parts of the Pays de Montbéliard in a joint collaborative project; and promote know-how and the expression of feelings and memories.
Ségolène Thuillart is inviting the inhabitants to take part in an embroidery and discussion workshop to describe the conurbation and discover the relationship they have with their area.
Workshops/meeting with the artist :
→ Tuesday 4 of July at 2pm Saint-Julien-lès-Montbéliard - at the wash-house and the town hall’s multi-purpose room ;
→ Wednesday 5 of July at 2pm in the Chiffogne district of Montbéliard - at the l’Envol Léo Lagrange social centre;
→ Tuesday 11 of July at 2pm in the Buis district of Valentigney - around the Centre Médico Social des Buis;
And throughout the week, the artist will be coming to meet you to create a portrait of the Montbéliard region, which will be presented during the 2023 European Heritage Days on Saturday 16 of September at the Musée d’art et d’Histoire Beurnier Rossel in Montbéliard.
<Free admission. For more information: action@le19crac.com or 03 81 94 43 58.
Find out more about the work of Ségolène Thuillart