Aurore-Caroline Marty - Excellence Métiers d'art

February - May 2023
For 4 weeks, the artist, students and teachers worked together to create costumes for a future performance by the artist*.

Born in Lunéville in 1985 and a graduate of ENSA Dijon in 2010, Aurore-Caroline Marty worked as Marc Camille Chaimowicz’s assistant for six years. During her various residencies, she began to incorporate craft into her work, which marked a turning point in her artistic practice. Since then, every object she collects is likely to be used in her exhibitions, whether it’s her domestic environment or her studio.

With a touch of irony, the artist attempts to restore enchantment to everyday life by giving a particular aesthetic to elements of popular culture, such as obsolete TV series, fairy tales, cartoons and religious objects. She uses anything that sparkles and can evoke an immediate feeling of delight, but she also uses poor materials to reveal the artifice and the other side of the coin of this world of glitter.

The originality of his works lies in the use of delicate craft practices (stained glass, ceramics, pearl embroidery and stone cutting) that refer to another facet of popular culture, in opposition to mass culture: that of meticulous learning, the sharing of knowledge and the transmission of a learned culture.

« I’m currently researching costume for the characters in my mythology. I see this residency as the logical continuation of a path I started recently with the creation of headdresses and masks made in Benin during a research residency [in 2022]. […] This experience also broadened my field of research into the aspects and symbols of the headdresses worn by divinities during voodoo ceremonies. In this way, the residency would enable me to link my current research, especially on costume, performance and the technique taught at the lycée »*.
A-C. Marty

Join us on Friday 5 of May at 4.30pm at 19, Crac to see the costumes worn by the students in a fashion show in the art centre’s window, visible from the forecourt outside.

Residency as part of the label excellence métiers d’art awarded by the Académie de Besançon, the DRAC Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and in partnership with the Musées de Montbéliard.

artist’s website

Aurore-Caroline Marty, Résidence Excellence Métiers d'art - Lycée des Huisselets, Montbéliard
Aurore-Caroline Marty, Résidence Excellence Métiers d'art - Lycée des Huisselets, Montbéliard