Ju Huyn Lee - Culture Santé
March - July 2023
10 interventions in collaboration with the Maison Sésame de Bethoncourt*.
As a follow-up to her exhibition Pas de cerise sans noyau at 19, Crac, Ju Huyn Lee has been invited to co-construct a project in collaboration with the art centre’s partners: Sésame Autisme Franche-Comté.
Ju Huyn Lee began her residency Bouts de chou in March 2023 in the studio-container set up at the Maison Sésame in Bethoncourt, a home for adults with autism spectrum disorders.
This residency is part of the Culture Santé programme supported by the DRAC and ARS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. From March to July, the residents visited the exhibition several times and took part in workshops with the 19, Crac mediation team.
The workshops offered by Ju Huyn Lee at the Maison Sésame are designed to help young people discover the different ways in which they can cohabit with and appropriate the plants in their home garden and park.
As part of the exhibition at 19, Crac, the artist wanted to continue her exploration of the colour blue beyond that produced by cherries. She has invited residents to experiment with the possibilities of fermented red cabbage to create tastes, patterns, colours and movements. The workshops will result in a collective and evolving work.
Restitution of the residency on Saturday 8 of July 2023 at 4.30pm in the form of a participatory workshop at the Maison Sésame in Bethoncourt (99 rue de champ Vallon, 25200 Bethoncourt) open to the public.
The Bouts de chou create echoes with Ju Huyn Lee’s long-term residencies in the Planoise and Clairs-Soleils neighbourhoods of Besançon, in collaboration with Juste ici.