Suzanne Husky, Ju Hyun Lee, Sol Archer

Amplifying life

A day of workshops and encounters.
Meetings and workshops with producers, farmers, activists, researchers and artists, focusing on the ecosystems of our territories disrupted by human action and the links to life that run through them. It’s a crossroads of poetic, virtuous, scientific and intuitive experiences, drawing on collective intelligence to bring for future changes in our relationships with the “living” under all its forms.


From 2.30pm to 3pm: talk for the general public by Aurélien Taillard, a mediator at the Montbéliard Science Pavilion, about the European beaver.
From 3pm: workshops for all.

  • Mini culinary workshop on cherries and Kirsch by Christine Raiffaud, a specialist in food engineering, and Ju Huyn Lee.
  • Independent embroidery workshop based on the work of Suzanne Husky and her “Amplifier la vie” logo.
    From 4pm to 5pm: screening of the film Pas de cerise sans noyau by Ju Hyun Lee and Sol Archer, British artist and filmmaker, in his presence.
    At 5pm: tasting of products made from cherries grown in Fougerolles by Ju Hyun Lee in conversation with Christine Raiffaud.
    From 6 to 7.30pm: a conversation between Suzanne Husky and Adeline Lépine, followed by a preview screening of the continuation of the video work Patti and Dew, 2022, presented in the exhibition La Parabole du Bièvre.

Free admission

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