Outside {Ecole d'art de Belfort}

Léa Bouttier

Main, seul, feu, dune

Léa Boutier’s solo exhibition at the École d’art de Belfort follows on from her residency Artistes plasticiens au lycée. It runs from December 6, 2024 to February 9, 2025.

Léa Bouttier is a visual artist born in 1993, who graduated from the École Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Saint-Etienne in 2017. She currently lives in Clermont-Ferrand, where she has held several solo and group exhibitions, including Off the Rail, Les Ateliers de la Diode, Musée d’art Roger Quillot and Centre Camille Claudel.

“I explore the way humans relate to and understand forms. These silent forms are subject to interpretation and over-interpretation; we project onto them. [Léa Bouttier, note of intent for the residency Artistes Plasticiens au Lycée].

For Léa Bouttier, sculpture is in turn a set, an actress or a scenario that guides the production. It’s a tool to help us understand and read the world. It can become a seat, a crutch or a prosthesis, an extension of our bodies and senses. In this way, the sculptural medium is omnipresent in her work, even when she invests the fields of video, installation or writing.

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