Fête de printemps

A day of meetings and sharing around bread

Saturday March 23 from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

The 19, Crac invites you to celebrate spring during a day of meetings and sharing around bread.
On the program: round table with researchers, artists and farmer-bakers, tasting, culinary performance, screening and workshops around bread, sourdough, and conviviality.

With Farah Keram, Au Fournil de la Modestine, Grace Gloria Denis, Lúcia Prancha, Alix Gigot from Aubervilliers Laboratories and Gufo collective.

Free entrance

Infos utiles

Grace Gloria Denis, recherches Au fournil de la Modestine, 2023. ©GGD
Lucia Prancha, Bread Story, 2021.
Gufo, PAULPETIT ©margotmontigny